December / January 2015
The Editors Letter
Well. That about wraps it up for another year. As said in November, I reckon many would like to see the back of 2014.
On a national scale, many in Scotland with the failed referendum. Those who have had loved ones in the Middle East who have been publicly butchered. Those on the African continent struggling with the Ebola crisis.
Many locally; with, only recently, the ram-raid at the Co-Op, and Mr. Wilson’s tragedy at his business premises on Willington Road. The lovely girls from the closing NatWest. And I must wish Merv Hayward God speed.
We will be losing Father Gary, perhaps not everyone’s ‘cup of sacrement’ but, I doubt if anyone wouldn’t recognize him as a colourful and persistent character. And one who will be sorely missed.
So Christmas looms large. Full of false sentiment, greed and over indulgence.
We’ll get up to our necks in credit card debt again to “boost the economy”; rant and rave with folks we don’t see from one years’ end to another and lose sleep over whether or not everyone has enough to eat.
But the waste we generate over eight days would keep Bob Geldof’s ‘African Pantry’ full until next mid-summer. If Bob Geldof could REALLY be bothered about things other than growing his own 32 million pound fortune! But I’m not bitter.
I have my own lovely family, most of whom will be gathered around the Festive Feast and enjoy a game of cards, trivial persuit or labarynth as we do - once a year.
Why does it take a pagan mid-winter festival to make us realise that we do really love each other, for a short time at least? And we can get on.
This year’s centenary of the start of the Great War with the legenday Christmas Football match should be highlighted over everything else. If any of you out there are conscious of that one incident you will know that it came about because ‘ordinary’ people just wanted to get on... with life. Their lives. And didn’t want to die tragic and pointless deaths for their ‘King and Country’. But (they and) we don’t get the choice.
I’m not sure what the answer is; but it needs to be debated. And debated by people who don’t have outside interests in stuff that makes life so hard. Arms manufacturers; oil producers; folks who run the world’s banks (who, constantly seem to let us down); folks at the top growing their fortunes but not giving stuff back like the Cadburys’ and Salts’ of the past.
Easy to say.... [perhaps] impossible to do. Why bother. No one takes notice.
Happy Easter
Sam x
Quite an Adventure
Gordon Ramsey had had a busy War between 1939 and ‘45 and, with the ensuing ‘peace’ was entitled to expect a more relaxing end to his term of service.
His attention changed from the skies briefly to the sea.
Germany had built a fleet of superb quality racing yachts in the 1930s for use in the Baltic to train their pilots and seamen in navigation techniques. At the end of the war these were taken by the British Government as reparations. They were dubbed ‘The Windfall Yachts”. Most survive to this day. The vessels were allocated to the Navy, Army and Air Forces of the British and Commenwealth Services for use as sport and Gordon got his chance to crew one of the finest. It had been Goering’s personal plaything. He was to be a part of a crew winning many races and the odd trophy! His sailing skills would come in useful again in later years. But the enjoyment was short-lived.
After World War II, the Allies partitioned the defeated Germany into four ‘Zones’ occupied by Russia, America, Britain and France.
Berlin, the German capital city, was located deep in the Soviet zone, but it was also divided into four sections. In June 1948, the Russians – who wanted Berlin all for themselves – closed all highways, railroads and canals from western-occupied Germany into western-occupied Berlin. This, they believed, would make it impossible for the people who lived there to get food or any other supplies and would eventually drive Britain, France and the U.S. out of the city for good. Instead of retreating from West Berlin, however, the U.S. and its allies decided to supply their sectors of the city from the air. This effort, known as the “Berlin Airlift,” lasted for more than a year and carried more than 2.3 million tons of cargo into West Berlin.
Gordon, as a hugely experienced pilot played a major role in this operation which lasted almost a year and a half.
During the next few years Flt.-Lieut. Ramsey continued to serve his country flying Diplomatic missions and, in the early 50s, flying supplies to the remote Pacific islands where Britain was conducting its H-Bomb tests. But, in the mid 50’s he left the RAF and returned home to Kirton where, almost by accident, a second career as Wildfowler and Wash Guide began.
I received a ‘phone call from an old friend of Gordon’s from this time - John Marshall. He says, from a wildfowling perspective Gordon was “my mentor: he taught me the ‘Game’ “. He quoted a short story, accurate even to the time of day!
Tuesday January 6th 1953 at Holbeach Dawsmere Marsh. He and Gordon had long been tracking wild geese with no success but at this time on this mid winter’s day they both shot their first goose at 7:30am! Remarkable feat of memory.
The Wildfowling business grew over the next few years and in 1966 he moved to Solway working for the Scottish Landowners Federation and wildfowling during the Winter.
The 1980s saw Gordon returning to the water. He (in inimitable style) decided to buil his own yacht, using the same plywood technology that produced his beloved Mosquito aircraft. Launched in 1985 he and his now second wife spent 8 years living on the craft touring the coast of Europe. His gun, of course, went with him to keep the pot full.
Finally returning to Kirton he continued to shoot until almost his 90th year. But he never cleared the church tower of those pigeons!
Gordon lives a more sedate life these days as age - as with us all - has slowed him down. But he still has a sparkle in his eye, and a handshake like Teddy Flower’s blacksmith’s vice; and what memories for company!
I asked him if which he preferred, flying or sailing.
"The skies, every time!" was the response.
I asked him if he thought it had all been worthwhile - the war and so on, and had it changed things for the better?
"Depends who you talk to" came the reply.
Whoever you talk to you can't deny Gordon really has had quite an adventure!
M. Early Motors - 3 Generations
of Service to the Community
Take the left turn from the A16 onto Wash Road at Kirton and follow your nose for a mile and a half.
That’s the best way to send you ot Mr. Early’s motor repair shop where you will find superb service and excellent value. As you can see from the photo you might on top of the place before you see it but it’s a trip worth taking. The Early family have been serving the local area with automotive services for over 60 years since the 1950s when Dean Early took the step of breaking cars in his back yard, supplying spares to those in need. He progressed to carrying out vehicle repairs in a small grarage in his back yard supporting his young family. He continued building his business up to the point when, in 1966, he was able to take the brave step of giving up the ‘day job’ and working for himself full time.
In 1991 Dean took the developmental step of installing an MoT station into the business and expanded the garage side of the company, employing his sons alongside him. When Dean passed away in 2001 the car breaking side of the business ceased and his wife and sons carried on developing the servicing, MoT and repairs side.
In 2005 the reigns of the business were passed to Martin Early and the business changed its name to the current on of M. Early Motors.
At the same time Martin took on his son, David, thus entering into the third generation of Earlys in the family run business. David has worked alongside his dad ever since completing his apprenticeship in 2009.
Martin is proud to say that the family business continues with his dad’s ethos of providing quality repairs, servicing and MoTs to the surrounding area no matter wht make, model or age of vehicle.
“We are able to undertake any of today’s challenges with fitted lifts to take up to 10 tonnes; an inspection pit and state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment. We undertake welding and MoT cars and vans up to 3.5 tonnes, mini buses and motor homes up to 11ft tall. We take huge pride in the work we do and have a solid customer base who return to us time after time.”
The garage is on Seadyke Road in Kirton and the opening times are 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday. They are also able to help out of hours by appointment and offer a collection and delivery service by prior arrangement. So, for a friendly, family service please ring Martin or David on 01205 724600.
Letters to the Editor
NatWest, the Caring Bank ?
Not past their profits, eh!
Sam, we have taken the decision to close our NatWest Kirton branch on the 25th November 2014.
When we make such a decision you have my assurance that this decision was not taken lightly and we do look at a number of factors including the number of people using the branch and the alternatives in place for our customers in the local area.
I recognise that our decision is unlikely to be welcomed locally. However more and more people are using alternative ways of banking with us including phone, mobile and online applications in addition to the Post Office facilities. With a 30% drop in branch transactions since 2010 and with the digital options now seeing an increase of 200% in usage these were also factors in making this decision.
I also appreciate that some of our customers do not use the internet or mobile phone app and prefer to be served over a traditional counter. As a result we have come to an agreement with all Post Offices to allow customers to withdraw cash and check balances free of charge. Further developments continue which include Business transactions and the ability to collect coinage and other services with a variety of times for your convenience.
Our branch network remains very important to us and we'll continue to have one of the largest branch networks in the UK as well as seeing a £1bn investment into it over the next few years. The combination of our network and the Post Office also means that over 90% of our customers are within one mile of a place where they can carry out their every day banking.
Thank you for your concerns and I hope you can see how we will continue to support our customers in Kirton and the surrounding areas.
Kind regards
Mark Rose,
Local CEO Peterboorugh and Lincoln
Bungle Lane;
a progress
Dear Sam,
Once again I have read the editor’s letter with interest. I would be grateful if you could inform your readers that the Parish Council have informed Highways (responsible authority) a number of times about the situation.
We will of course continue to do so until we see some action. There is of course no reasons why individuals cannot contact this authority as well, adding more pressure upon them.
Best Regards
Ian Turner, Chairman Kirton,
Parish Council
Kids Club
We all look forward to the run up to Christmas. The children get involved in numerous arts, crafts, making and doing activities. The first on our agenda is our Christmas tree for Kirton Church. The kids club have been involved since this started and the children really throw themselves into it. The pots of glitter and glue come out early so all the decorations are ready and dry to adorn our lovely Christmas tree. The children love having a walk around all the trees when they are finished – it is our first ‘taste of Christmas’.
This time of year we spend more sessions inside than out due to the weather. But the children enjoy the use of the big bright facilities at the Youth Centre, a large main hall, separate dining area and kitchen and a ‘chill out’ room for the older children with games stations, music and sofas – and a homework area where they will get help and advice with their home work. All children get the use of numerous games and activities each morning and afternoon, with arts and crafts, football and snooker tables. A choice of breakfast menu is included in the price and ‘afternoon tea’ in the evening sessions.
The club opens at 7.30 am and costs £3.50 per child per session. After school finishes at 5.45 pm and costs £5.50 per child per session. If you would like more information or a free ‘taster session’ for you child (you will have to stay with them) – please phone on 07583 762072 or mail
Goodbye from Father Gary
Dear Friends, It is with a tinge of sadness, anticipation, and nervousness that I am writing my final letter for The Kirton News. In January I am taking up the post of Rector to the Wainfleet Group of Parishes. My final service will be Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve at Kirton Church commencing at 11.30pm.
Those of you who have shared a pint or two with me won't be surprised that there is a Brewery in my new parish. Well rest assured my friends, Batemans Beer will be truly blessed.
However, believe it or not, that is not the reason I am leaving! I am leaving because I believe that, that is where God is calling me. I am not leaving because I don't like the parish, the people, or the area. Being a Parish Priest is more than just a job, its a calling, and we have to go where we are called.
I have had some wonderful times here in Kirton and met some fantastic people. I have enjoyed being part of the community and have always tried to take the Church out into that community. I love you all dearly and will miss you terribly, but I have to go.
When they appoint a new Parish Priest, and I don't know when that will be, please welcome them. I hope they enjoy their time here as much as I have.
God Bless you all and all the best for the future.
Father Gary
The Kirton Church Fund
Two months draw winners to report this month and two people who have not won before. Well done to them. The other two winners have both now won twice. We now have only 41 members again so there is plenty of room for more members (and a very good chance of winning) in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.
The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. The KCF has now raised over £3700 for the church so thank you to everyone who continues to support us.
The November draw takes place on Sunday 23th and the winning numbers will be printed in the the next Kirton News magazine in February.
The December draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will also be printed in the February magazine.
You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available from Fay (please ring 01205 723529) and will be available in the village when I can find replacements for Kirton Library and the Nat West bank!
For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529.
September 2014 Winners
1st PRIZE - £35.23 - TICKET NUMBER: 30
2nd PRIZE - £11.74 -
October 2014 Winners
1st PRIZE - £35.23 - TICKET NUMBER: 52
2nd PRIZE - £11.74 -
Kirton Primary
School News
Admission to
Reception in September
Places fill up quickly in our Reception classes, despite our recent transition to a 3 form entry school. In order to join our Reception cohort in September 2015, your child’s date of birth must fall between 1.9.10 and 31.8.11.
Please note, we do not administer our own admissions to Reception; applications must be submitted to Lincolnshire County Council who allocate places on our behalf. You may apply online at or make a telephone application by contacting the Education Team on 01522 782030.
You may collect an information pack from the school office. The closing date to apply for a place is Thursday 15th January 2015.
Increasingly, we are forced to turn children away from our school because we are full in certain cohorts. This may result in children travelling many miles to attend another school.
Kirton Primary School is passionate about serving its local community. Please ensure you get your application in as early as possible.
Remember, there is no guarantee that children who have attended our Nursery, or who have siblings already in school, will be allocated a place.
If you know anyone who has a child who would like to start with us in September, please let them know the importance of completing the paperwork as soon as possible.
Frampton W.I.
Forty Sleeps till Christmas –
just in case you are not counting!

This month’s WI meeting saw two more prospective members attend and we look forward to seeing them again in December. Many thanks to Neil Watson and his wife for the very interesting talk about the theatre and cinema heritage of Boston - come back soon Neil with part three! Thanks also to Jill, Anne and Val for the lovely supper. (yay – shortbread!)
The next meeting on December 11th at 7:30pm, Frampton Village Hall, Middlegate Road, Frampton has a change to the programme. Graham Keal will be our speaker- he promises many hilarious confessions and insights into life as a showbiz reporter and his theme is titled Terry Wogans hair weave and other stories! Who knew Terry had a weave? We will also be serving a delectable morsel along with the usual tea and coffee – am I tempting you? I am reluctant to mention the raffle as I still havn’t won but yes we will be having one......and the competition – a Christmas decoration.
November 25th sees the Frampton WI start their festivities with a lunch at the Poachers. You can pop along to Kirton Church in December and see their Christmas tree exhibition – we are providing one of them and lots of decorations have already been made to adorn it.
Well ladies, what can I say - Christmas is fast approaching and the year is coming to a close. Where did the time go? We have explored Volunteering, taking up university studies at retirement, listened to Cliff Clover and his Zeppelin stories. We have been to the dog track in Peterborough and had dinner and a small bet (or two...). Together with the Frampton Garden Club we had a wonderful day out at Sandringham Flower Show, learnt about the Citizens Advice Bureau, celebrated our 78th birthday with supper, cake and line dancing – it exhausts me to remember that! Still to come – The Fire Service in January – I wonder if they will wear uniform?.... Trevor Rogers in February - all things garden - not yet sure which bits of the garden but very much looking forward to it.
Time to reminisce and look to the future, if you are struggling for a good New Year Resolution why not join us at our next WI meeting and see what we are all about?
Frampton WI wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy 2015
If you would like to know more about joining Frampton Women’s Institute call Ann (President) on 01205 366020 or Carol(Secretary) on 01205 722879 email: or me! Vanessa (new members) on 01205 723891 email:
Everybody (well, almost everybody)
likes a cake at Christmas.
With reference to the Kirton Town Hall Cookbook (copies still available) here's a Christmas cake recipe - for lovers of lard - and a much easier tasty treat that you don't even have to cook! I dare you !!
Christmas Cake -
Mrs J Morley, Kirton
2 lb flour 1 oz of baking powder
½ lb lard 1 lb sugar
½ lb butter 1½ lb currants
½ lb sultanas 1½ lb raisins
½ lb mixed peel ½ pint milk
4 eggs
Mix lard and butter into the flour and baking powder, add sugar and other ingredients.
Beat the eggs, add milk and mix well with other mixture.
Bake in a slow oven.
This quantity makes 2 large cakes.
Fridge Cake -
Anon, Kirton
4 oz dried, chopped apricots
2½ oz sultanas
2½ oz raisins, chopped
1½ oz prunes, chopped
2½ oz dates, chopped
4 fl oz boiling water
2 oz chopped peanuts
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1½ oz coconut
2½ oz sunflower seeds
1½ oz skimmed milk powder
Extra 2½ oz coconut
Put all dried fruit into a bowl. Pour on boiling water - leave for 10 minutes.
Add peanuts, lemon juice, coconut, sunflower seeds and milk powder.
Mix well. Form into 2 inch diameter log. Roll in extra coconut. Wrap in foil.
Place in fridge. Slice as required.
This month’s edition is a bit full of serious stuff. As a little lighter relief I’d like to introduce a couple of poems. Relevant to the season we have a new contributor and an old favourite.
Our first is a local lady of mature years who has, only recently, put pen to paper. Our second, Gladys Seabrook who has written many a verse since the 1970s, and is, or rather was, an unrecognized talent.
Sadly Gladys passed over early in 2014 but has left some perfect gems:-
Autumn is a time that I love;
The changing hues and a blue sky above.
When everything is slowing down,
The forests are shining like a golden crown.
The birds have finished building their nests,
And many will, soon, be flying to the West.
And, as the Winter glooms
With far less flowers and lovely blooms;
But, as I sit and give a sigh,
I see a rainbow in the sky.
Perhaps we are in for a storm,
And have the whole place wet in the morn:
But that is first Nature’s way,
There is nothing that we can do or say.
Country Girl
My memory leads me through the haze
Of bygone golden Autumn days.
Through stubble fields and stacks of corn
And cocks that crow at early dawn.
Through rustling leaves beneath my feet
And berries hanging dark and sweet
Wide furrowed acres newly ploughed
‘Neath windswept sky and drifting cloud
Migrating swallows in their flight
Grey drifting smoke and bonfires bright
A trace of mist as daylight dies
Ripe juicy plums and apple pies
Cool churns of milk and pots of jam
New laid brown eggs and home cured ham
Around me now these visions whirl
For once I was a country girl
But now I live amid the maze
Of traffic lights and City ways
Of jostling crowds on every street
And concrete pavements ‘neath my feet
In dust and fumes and stagnant air
With noise and bustle everywhere
There’s nothing here to let me know
When autumn brings its mellow glow
But sometimes on September days
Nostalgia makes me stand and gaze
At one small view of Heavens high
Then like a bird I long to fly
Back to the countryside I knew
Through meadow pastures wet with dew
To live again where life is free
Once more a country girl to be
Gladys Seabrook (1926 - 2014)
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Mia Smart
Jenson George Maxwell Knowles
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
no weddings this month
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
no funerals this month